Sunday, November 28, 2010


This upcoming week is going to be so AMAZING; I am so excited!  Monday we are going to a township school to see a completely different school environment than what we have been placed in for student teaching.  I am really looking forward to the observation.  Tuesday is basically the last day that teaching takes place; Wednesday I have the Grade 4 class party and Thursday is our last day and it ends at 1030! Friday we leave for our trip at 7am.  It is going to be the most amazing thing ever, I can tell.  We are driving to Cape Town with a friend that we met here and taking our time to get there so we can see everything on the way.  We are taking "The Garden Route," which we have heard is the most beautiful views ever!  There are a lot of stops along the way for example Congo Caves, Ostrich Farm, Storms River and beautiful nature reserves!  We will be spending a week and a half in Cape Town and then taking a bus back to Grahamstown.  

This past weekend was a lot of fun.  On Friday one of the teachers brought us to Kenton so we could go to the beach.  Out of all the places I have seen so far, Kenton is by far my favorite.  It is such a beautiful town.  Saturday I went on an outing with the junior prep boarding boys.  We went to Bathurst and went swimming and had a braai.  I also watched them play cricket, I am starting to catch on!  Saturday evening I went to Miss Intermediate.  One of my students really wanted me to come, it was so much fun to watch!  Miss Intermediate was like a little pageant for the students in the Intermediate House.  The Intermediate House is where students in the intermediate grades live if they are a boarder.  Me and April ended up being judges for the pageant!  It was a lot of fun and the students were all dressed up!
Sunday we were invited to another braai by one of the student's parents.  They were very welcoming and made such good food! Also on Sunday when I was walking back from the grocery store I FINALLY got a picture of the wild cows that roam the streets!

Here are some pictures!!!

Kenton part two

Miss Intermediate Pageant

Wild Cows!!! I live at the top of this hill! It is not the greatest thing to run up!


  1. The pic of the intermediate pageant looked like s much fun. Awesome pic of the wild cows :). I hope we will be able to skype tomorrow, sucks I won't be home all day to after 6pm and you are 8 hours ahead. If we don't get a chance to skype I hope you have fun traveling. Take lots of pics :). In case you didn't get my 2nd email Blake says "I love you, cha cha cha" and Cain says "I love you, then blew 2 kisses" not going to try and spell that again. lol

  2. Hi Leah,
    Hope you had a fantastic last week teaching! Not sure when you will be back on the computer, but I hope you have a fabulous time in Cape Town! It sounds like you have lots of fun things planned! Looking forward to hearing about it!
    Great photos! That's quite a hill you live on!!!
    Safe Travels!

  3. Hey Leah, what a great job you're doing of keeping us with you on your journey - sounds like you're having some amazing adventures. We're happy for you and look forward to seeing you once you're home... Enjoy! Love, Joe and Suzanne
