Monday, November 8, 2010

My OH My....

This past weekend was very relaxing.  Saturday, we went downtown and bought some stuff from the markets and went to Aegean's basketball game.  Aegean is my supervisor's son.  He is a great basketball player and we had a lot of fun watching him play!  Sunday was absolutely a gorgeous day.  I went for an hour run, which I needed really badly, and spent time outside for awhile enjoying the sunshine and the 80 degree weather :)  It was Lauren's goodbye dinner Sunday night.  I am sooo sad to see her go, I really clicked with her and she has been my roommate for the past two weeks.  It is crazy how close us girls have become in such a short amount of time.  We took some pictures for her going away, the one on the railroad I thought would be so adorable, so I made everyone take it.  We ate chicken stir fry and potato bake (absolutely delicious) with brownie and ice cream for dessert.  It is crazy how good the chocolate is here.  We officially said goodbye to Lauren this morning before school, I miss her southern accent already :(

Besides Lauren leaving today, it was a GREAT day.  April, Nichole, and I met with the supervisor of a local volunteer opportunity today and we spend an hour and a half volunteering.  It is seriously the greatest thing I have experienced so far.  The program is for students from the townships who are recommended for the program by the government.  The students are very poor and most of the students' parents have died from AIDS.  It is such a sad situation, but the students are absolutely tremendous.  Today I played a couple board games with them, and then we went outside and played a game of hide n' seek.  They also taught us a song-hand game.  They are so much fun, I cannot wait to go back tomorrow or whenever i can go again.  I wish I could spend more time in this sort of aspect of the town.

I just thought I would give an update.  Here are some pictures:

This picture was taken a couple weekends ago, but I just got the picture from Lauren.  This is me and Lauren at the BEAUTIFUL Indian Ocean! <3 This!

Beautiful Grahamstown

Me and Lauren downtown shopping at the markets :)

Nichole, April, and I watching Aegean's Bball game!

Our cute railroad picture! haha


  1. Hi Leah,
    I'm happy to hear you are having so much fun and such a great experience in South Africa. It's wonderful that you are also getting a chance to do some volunteering locally. Such an incredible opportunity for you and something you will remember always. It's so nice that you are keeping up with your blog! Very fun for us back in MN to read about all your experiences!
    Enjoy that 80 degree weather while you can! I have to admit we're having a pretty nice November here so far. I don't think it will last much longer, but it's been sunny and in the 50's--even in Duluth!
    Have a great week! Glad to hear your teaching is going so well! Flat Stanley is a great project for your kids! Pam's son, Brendan sent me his Flat Stanley once and it blew into the icy water in the harbor. I had to rescue it with a broom handle!
    Love your photos! Keep them coming!
    Love ya!!!

  2. Hey Leah,
    I am so glad you are having a good time. Have you been observed yet? How did it go? I love the pics. My fav is the one of you and Lauren at the Indian Ocean. The volunteering sounds like a lot of fun. I so happy your teaching is going so well. The boys miss their Auntie Leah :) On a more positive note, I am Nicky's favorite Auntie Korf because I am in the same country. Haha. On a not as exciting note Bubbi said you are his fav Auntie, I played the same country card w/ him too and it didn't work :(. haha The jury is still out on the girls. I am enjoying hearing all about your trip and seeing the pics. I am very proud of you and looking forward to hearing more. Love ya :)Good Luck with your observation if you haven't had it yet (not like you need it).

  3. Hello to Leah in Grahamstown, South Africa!

    Yahoo, I think I might have figured out how to
    blog:) Your mother said it might take us to
    Dec 18th! I am among many following your
    adventure at Kingswood College. Your photos
    are fantastic. Especially the one
    taken on the beach and the one in your classroom of the children. We
    are having record warm temps for Nov. Yet,
    true to MN weather, Friday snow is predicted.
    MN offers weather for every taste in the same
    week:) It was exciting to read Layla is sitting up. TJ will be with us tomorrow &
    all day on Monday. That is something we will
    have to checkout with him. He is getting very
    strong & likes to stand in our lap. Sunday, our family celebrates Ken's birthday. We plan
    to have a Dairy Queen birthday cake. There may
    be snow on the ground but ice cream is always in season:)
    Your teaching opportunity in South Africa will be remembered your entire lifetime. Thank you
    for sharing it with us on your blog. We look forward to your return. You're in our thoughts & prayers. Love, Aunt Janet

  4. Thank you Janet, Dorothy, Dana, and all who are following my blog! It is so nice to hear about all of the updates back home as well :)

  5. Glad you are enjoying the experience Leah! Live it up!
