Sunday, November 14, 2010


So I know I just posted yesterday, but that was because I thought that would be the most exciting thing that happened over the weekend, but I saw something pretty sweet today! We went to one of my supervisor's friends' house that she built completely out of mud! It was the coolest thing ever! She also has the most amazing view!  You must look at the pictures! ALSO I did NOT end up going on the helicopter ride, but that is alright because it was such a fun weekend anyways!  I cannot believe on Tuesday I will have been gone for a whole month! That is absolutely crazy, there are only two and a half weeks left of school here then time to travel! I am so pumped!

The view from her house! AMAZING!

The outside of the house - sweet

The inside of the house - that's Grandma!

Her view from inside the house!

Outside again

1 comment:

  1. Hey Leah,
    Your teaching experience in South
    Africa is passing quickly. Thank you for sharing so much on your blog & for the gorgeous photos !!! Your recent photos of the new home construction makes me wonder if there are any modern roads in the area. Your photos capture the beautiful vistas but no bumper to bumper traffic. Even the beach has only one set of footprints. Amazing! Our beaches are all covered with the white stuff. The snow held with the low temps. We will probably be having a White Thanksgiving. We lost two trees in the recent snow storm. Two trees snapped with the weight of the snow :(
    TJ is getting ready to crawl. He sees lots he wants & is about ready to go for it :)
    Wishing you a Very Special Thanksgiving Day.
    God bless & watch over you on your travels.
    Love, Aunt Janet
