Friday, December 17, 2010

Back to the good ole' US of A

Let's be real.  The time I have spent here in South Africa has been overall a POSITIVE experience with great memories.  Now, does that mean I have ONLY had positive experiences? Absolutely not.  There were times when i have been challenged culturally, socially, academically, mentally, and the list could go on.  All of these experiences, however, needed to happen in order for me to get the most out of my time here.  I needed to go out of my comfort zone, and what better way to do that than go to a new country with such a unique culture.  Through this experience I have learned the following:

* People are people no matter where you are

* Not to give up on trusting people, but as a tourist - always play a little bit of defense

* If something bad happens - allow one day to be down about it, but then MOVE ON - it happened and you can't go back, keep moving forward

* Sometimes you just have to bite your tongue and listen

* Confidence is a strength if you have it and a growth area if you don't

* Just because it isn't the way I would do it, doesn't mean it's not as good or dare I say it - better

* Kids teach you as much as you teach them

* When you go into the unknown in order to step outside your comfort zone, it is surprising how quickly the unknown can become "comfortable"

* I am not sure I will ever truly understand the racial tension and the living situation here, but being here has given me a better understanding and an even more open mind

* Creativity gets you FAR

* Riding a bus 14 hours makes me go CRAZY and CRABBY

* Ostrich meat tastes like hamburger

* Convert rand to USD, meters to miles, and understand grams/kg/litres/mL

* The Post Office here is not my friend, and I don't think I am their's either

* How to wave down a cab

* ....... how to face my fears, the unknown, and a different world

Thank You everyone that followed my blog! I am heading to the airport tomorrow morning!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Cape Town

Cape Town is A LOT different than Grahamstown.  Grahamstown was a small town and Cape Town is a big city.  It has gorgeous beaches of the Atlantic Ocean.  There are endless shops and markets and there are a lot of things to do!  So far we have been going to the beaches a lot.  It is really easy to get around here on the taxis and the taxis are cheap - only 5 or 6 rand per person (which is less than $1) so that is pretty sweet!

The hostel we are staying at is AMAZING! It is brand new (opened in June) so it is really nice and there are a lot of really cool people here.  I have met people from England, Holland, Germany and I even met someone from the USA (Wisconsin - which was sweet and New York).  They are all so awesome and we all hang out as a group which is really neat.  It is interesting learning about where they are from as well as where they have traveled, one couple have been traveling for 8 months!

Besides the beach, we also went to Robben Island, which is the island where a lot of political figures were kept in jail during Apartheid.  The tour included an hour ferry ride across the Atlantic (30 min each way) and then a tour of the island.  Our tour guide was very knowledgeable and we learned a lot about the history of the island.  At one point it was a place where people who were contagious with leprosy went to be isolated.  After the leprosy period and before Apartheid people could actually live on the island.  We were also given a tour of the jail where Nelson Mandela stayed and we saw the cell where he was contained.  The tour guides of the actual jail were old cell mates that were contained in the jail (I should probably be referring to the jail as prison).

Tomorrow we are climbing Table Mountain and hopefully going to the Aquarium as well.  We are also looking into getting a tour of the Green Point Stadium where some of the World Cup soccer games were held.  That is what I am up to at the moment, when i come back I can be more in depth with the actual cultural experience, but it is hard putting it all into words.  It truly is a third world country and a first world country built into one.  Well one more week and then I will be heading home!  I am enjoying my experience, but I am excited to come home :)

Atlantic Ocean at Clifton Beach


Oh! Riding an ostrich :)

This is the only picture actually riding it, because I only lasted about 2 seconds before I fell off

Nelson Mandela's prison cell

The ferry we rode, it was CRAZY WINDY!

Monday, December 6, 2010


This week has been absolutely crazy.  Monday, we had the opportunity to visit a township school.  Due to the school being at end of term, most classes weren’t in session.  Students came to get a meal and have a place to be, but most teachers were just marking.  We were able to see one class; Grade R was in session.  Grade R is like our Kindergarten.  There were only 15 students in the class that day, but she has 40 students on her class list.  It was interesting to see the school.   Wednesday we had our class party at my cooperating teacher’s house.  Her house is absolutely gorgeous.  She has a pool, so the students swam and played games and ate snacks.  Wednesday evening we had the Grade 7 Leavers Dinner.   This is the goodbye dinner to the students of Grade 7 for high school starts at Grade 8.  Also at this Leavers Dinner, new students and teachers are “knighted” into Kingswood College, so the other student teachers and I were knighted.  It was awesome!  Thursday was the last day of school and we had an end of the school year staff meeting and then lunch at the Headmaster’s house.  It was nice spending that time with the other teachers and also it gave us the opportunity to say goodbye to everyone.  Thursday evening we had our traditional goodbye dinner for April, Nichole, and I with our supervisor and her family.  We made chicken fajitas and they were delicious!  It is unbelievable that our time here is coming to an end.

Friday morning we headed for our two week vacation!  We started off by stopping in PE for breakfast; we had “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”.  After PE we headed to Jeffrey’s Bay and laid out at the beach and then went to Storm’s River and went to Tsitsikama.  It has been one of the most beautiful places I have ever been to.  We had a gorgeous view of the ocean and mountains.  We stayed by Storm’s river at a very interesting backpacker’s place.  Saturday morning we went back to Storm’s River at Bloukrans Bridge.  This is Africa’s largest bridge and the World’s Highest Bungee Jump.  Nichole and I joined another girl from her school back home (a COST student placed in PE) and we Bungee Jumped! It was absolutely the craziest thing I have ever done.  It is the most surreal experience.  I was absolutely petrified, but I am so glad I did it!  I have a CD of pictures and a DVD of my jump!  After bungee jumping we went to Plettenberg Bay to the beach and then headed to Oudtshoorn.  This is where we spent Saturday night.  On Sunday we went to Cango Caves, and went on the adventure tour where we crawled through the cave, it was absolutely gorgeous.  After Cango caves we went to Cango Ostrich farm.  Oudtshoorn has the most ostrich I have ever seen.  At the Ostrich farm we learned a lot about Ostriches and Nichole and I rode an Ostrich!   After Oudtshoorn we headed to Paarl where our friend Maryke lives.  Maryke is the one who is driving us to Cape Town, she has been absolutely amazing!  We are having the best time!  I will try to blog again soon!

This is my supervisor, Jean!

Tsitsikamma National Park, absolutely GORGEOUS!

Plettenberg Bay

Road Trippin'

Cango Caves

Hanging out with the Ostrich - this isn't the one I rode - I don't have pics of that yet

The bridge I jumped off! CRAZY!

Right before I bungeed! He was so nice in making me relax!

Oh my, I still can't believe I did that!

There are SOOO many more pictures I would like to post, but I can't because there are too many!  Traveling is so great! We just arrived in Cape Town!

Sunday, November 28, 2010


This upcoming week is going to be so AMAZING; I am so excited!  Monday we are going to a township school to see a completely different school environment than what we have been placed in for student teaching.  I am really looking forward to the observation.  Tuesday is basically the last day that teaching takes place; Wednesday I have the Grade 4 class party and Thursday is our last day and it ends at 1030! Friday we leave for our trip at 7am.  It is going to be the most amazing thing ever, I can tell.  We are driving to Cape Town with a friend that we met here and taking our time to get there so we can see everything on the way.  We are taking "The Garden Route," which we have heard is the most beautiful views ever!  There are a lot of stops along the way for example Congo Caves, Ostrich Farm, Storms River and beautiful nature reserves!  We will be spending a week and a half in Cape Town and then taking a bus back to Grahamstown.  

This past weekend was a lot of fun.  On Friday one of the teachers brought us to Kenton so we could go to the beach.  Out of all the places I have seen so far, Kenton is by far my favorite.  It is such a beautiful town.  Saturday I went on an outing with the junior prep boarding boys.  We went to Bathurst and went swimming and had a braai.  I also watched them play cricket, I am starting to catch on!  Saturday evening I went to Miss Intermediate.  One of my students really wanted me to come, it was so much fun to watch!  Miss Intermediate was like a little pageant for the students in the Intermediate House.  The Intermediate House is where students in the intermediate grades live if they are a boarder.  Me and April ended up being judges for the pageant!  It was a lot of fun and the students were all dressed up!
Sunday we were invited to another braai by one of the student's parents.  They were very welcoming and made such good food! Also on Sunday when I was walking back from the grocery store I FINALLY got a picture of the wild cows that roam the streets!

Here are some pictures!!!

Kenton part two

Miss Intermediate Pageant

Wild Cows!!! I live at the top of this hill! It is not the greatest thing to run up!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Wow the weather is CRAZY! This past weekend we had absolutely GORGEOUS weather!  It was at least 80degrees and sunny on Friday, Saturday AND Sunday!  On Friday one of the teachers at the school brought us to Port Alfred to go to the beach and when we returned on Friday we had a Braai at the Wyvern which is Kingswood's restaurant/country club.  A braai is like a cookout/barbecue.  We had chicken, potato bake, salad, and bread; it was delicious :)

On Saturday we walked/shopped around Grahamstown and then went to my teacher's house to swim; once we got to her house though it soon became cloudy.  Sunday we went to one of our students' parents house for another braai.  We had the most delicious food and they taught us so much about the political aspect of South Africa as well as key places we must go to on our vacation.  On Sunday we also planned our two week vacation.  We are traveling to Cape Town and taking our time to get there and planned all of our stops along the way; we are SOO EXCITED!

So far this week, Monday and Tuesday, the weather has been chilly (probably low 60s, high 50s and rainy), yeah I know that is not chilly but coming off 80 degree weather it is!  Today (Tuesday) I went on an outing (field trip) with my grade 5s.  It was so great! We went to some students in my class' farm.  The first farm was a game farm and we went on a game drive.  We saw giraffe, a RHINO!, and buffalo. The buffalo was awesome because the students were able to pet the buffalo because the person who owns the farm can call them and approach them! It was CRAZY!

After that farm we went to another students' farm and we took a hike down into a beautiful valley.  We hiked to a cave and saw Bushman paintings (paintings from the first settlers).  It was really neat and the paintings were approximately over 15,000 years old!  I have attached the pictures.

That is the basic update.  I am also teaching as much as I am able and I am really getting along with my new cooperating teacher, she is fantastic.  She has such an active class and I have really learned a lot of new teaching strategies.  I can't believe next week is their last week of school.  It is going by so fast, but I still have a lot to look forward to.  I have been volunteering still at the Lebone Center and LOVING it.  I volunteer tomorrow and Thursday and then as much as I can next week, but their last day at the center is the 30th which is too bad because I really like spending time there.

Thanks Everyone Following :D

Students petting the WILD BUFFALO!

Giraffes are AWESOME!

Our view from our hike

Hiking :D

Do you see the handprint?  This is the Bushman painting.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Learn the LINGO :D

Alright now that I have been here for a month (I know CRAZY) I am going to teach everyone about the lingo here!

"sorted" - Teachers ask students if they are "sorted" for math, english, etc.  It basically means ready and organized.

"hey" - this is used often at the end of sentences, it is kind of like our "right?" For example, You went to the beach this weekend hey.

"smart" - if you are dressed nicely they say that you "look smart"

"just now" - one would THINK this means something is going to happen right now, but no, "just now" means in about 5-15 minutes or more.  For example, we will talk just now (translation:  we will talk later)

"now now" - this means right now.

"nice" - If something tastes good, it tastes "nice"

"shame" - If something bad happens to someone you respond with "shame"or if something funny/unfortunate happens you also respond with "shame".

"pleasure" - instead of responding with "you're welcome" you respond with "pleasure" For example, "Thank you for the book"  "Pleasure"

"is it" - this kind of replaces "oh really" for example, "I am going to make pasta for dinner" and you respond with "is it" or when you explain something that happened, "is it"

"biscuits" - are cookies

"scones" - are biscuits or muffins

There are more short vowels than long vowels.

"holiday" - means vacation

"passageways" - are hallways

"rubbish" - means trash

"chips" - either potato chips or french fries

"tomato sauce" - ketchup

"overtake" - passing someone on the road

"que" - lines at post office

"petrol" - gasoline

"fetch" - get

"Cokies" - markers

One last thing to know about South Africa is that everyone takes their time.  If you are at a restaurant it will take at least an hour, nothing here is about quick, efficient, convenience like back home (no coffee travel mugs!).  Also they have portion control of their food (no supersize here!)  Now you know more about South Africa :)

Sunday, November 14, 2010


So I know I just posted yesterday, but that was because I thought that would be the most exciting thing that happened over the weekend, but I saw something pretty sweet today! We went to one of my supervisor's friends' house that she built completely out of mud! It was the coolest thing ever! She also has the most amazing view!  You must look at the pictures! ALSO I did NOT end up going on the helicopter ride, but that is alright because it was such a fun weekend anyways!  I cannot believe on Tuesday I will have been gone for a whole month! That is absolutely crazy, there are only two and a half weeks left of school here then time to travel! I am so pumped!

The view from her house! AMAZING!

The outside of the house - sweet

The inside of the house - that's Grandma!

Her view from inside the house!

Outside again