Monday, October 18, 2010


I have arrived in Grahamstown! The trip was absolutely the longest trip of my life.  I have a cold and I could feel it getting worse and worse as the trip went on.  Not fun.  The plane ride from Atlanta to Johannesburg (Joburg is what everyone calls it here) was very long, but I watched about 5 movies to make the time pass.  Not sure how long I slept but I am sure not more than 4 hours.  When I arrived in Joburg, it was pretty overwhelming with all the people and having to go through customs and everything, but everything worked out!

I arrived last night at around Midnight (South Africa time) so it was about 5:00pm back home.  I arrived in Port Elizabeth last night at about 10pm and then drove to Grahamstown.  The first think I noticed was that the driver of the car is on the right, I have never seen that in real life before! It is so crazy and people driving on the left side of the road, I knew that was how it was but it was still different to see it in real life!  When I arrived in Grahamstown I was welcomed by my supervisor.  She has been so nice along with the rest of her family.  I am staying in her house for this next week until one of the other student teachers leaves for home.  This afternoon one of the other girls brought me to town.  On our way to town we saw cows.  Yeah I know I should be use to seeing cows since I go to school in Wisconsin, but I am not use to wild cows just chilling on the side of the road while I walk past them only 5 feet away!  I would have been a lot more scared of them (since I am not an animal person whatsoever) but the girl who was with me has been here for so long that she was use to it and the cows didn't even seem to notice me.  I also saw donkeys pulling a wagon, pretty cool.  The surroundings are absolutely beautiful, but  I don't have any pictures yet.  I will post pictures on here if I can figure it out.

Hope all is well back home!


  1. So happy to hear you have safely arrived in Grahamstown, Leah! It sounds like it was a long haul though. Sorry to hear you have a cold. I'm glad you have a few days to recuperate before you start teaching. I read a little bit about Grahamstown on the Internet and it sounds like a great town. I'm looking forward to seeing photos. Have a great first week in South Africa! Be careful of those wild cows though! (Somehow that's not the animal that comes to mind when I think of South Africa!)

  2. Have tons of fun!!!! Can't wait to hear all about you trip there! I'm jealous I'm not there with you! :)
    ~Sara Rudesill

  3. Yay I am glad you made it safe and sound! I'm sure the first thing you did was get my shotglass, right?! lol :) We miss you bunches back home! My baby sister is a world traveler! I hope you keep up on your blog, I have like 3 or 4 of them and I only kind of sorta keep up with one of them. Haha. Can't wait to see pictures and read your updates. Oh and I'm gonna blog stalk you :P Take care of yourself my HP. Love you bunches!!! WP

  4. Leah happy to hear you made it safe. Love you post lmao. "I saw cows" haha to funny. Take lots of pictures and buy post cards too. Grandma told me to buy post cards when I went to spain in case some of the pics don't come out. I still have mine from spain. Good luck on your first day of student teaching!!! :)

    Jenna you are hilarious. It's gotta be the korf blood. BTW I was a world traveler first. haha and you are gonna blog stalk her? You are strange. haha :)

  5. So Raegan was helping Cain with his project for KC. He had to write what he is thankful for. Raegan to Cain: Put Leah down she is going to buy you a present from South Africa. You made the list. LMAO. P.S you missed mom and the flock's show. lmao.

  6. Haha I love them they are so funny! That is right I made the list!!!!

    Thanks everyone for staying in touch!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. In class we were presenting projects and one of the other groups talked about growth opportunities by expandning to South Africa. I wanted to say my sister is there. Haha random thought.Don't get to excited about making the list, Jenna and Rick did too. Don't think Nate did. Haha

  9. Hey Leah,
    Hope your week is going well! Already Friday tomorrow! Hopefully you can catch up on some sleep this weekend. I'd say you've had a pretty full week! Have a fun weekend settling in to your new home away from home!
