Saturday, October 30, 2010

Kingswood College, Cottage, Etc.

Well I 'skyped' Jenna and Mother today, and Mother told me I need to do this more often, so I will try.  The picture above is the view of Grahamstown, I wish cameras captured how beautiful the landscape is here, but I have yet to take a picture that even comes close.

Lauren received a box of Halloween stuff since she was teaching a lesson on Halloween, we used the stuff to decorate the flat! Happy Halloween :)  You're welcome Lauren for not putting up the picture of you in your sweet clown costume! haha

These are some pictures of the school building, the classroom doors lead to outside.  The building is two levels in the shape of a "T" The stem of the T is where the staff room, offices and work rooms are and the top of the T is where all of the classrooms are.  It is a beautiful school, this is only the Junior Prep school, the Senior school (high school) is across the road.  

This is what my classroom looks like! The classroom has no technology (no computer, no projector, no overhead) and the desks are wooden and from the looks of it, it probably looks like a low-income school compared to some of the schools back home, but this is a very nice school and well-off school, for it is a private boarding school.  

My week went by extremely fast.  On Thursday I taught a food tech class where I taught them how to make fruit pizza, the kids loved it, and no one had heard of it before! So that was neat.  On Friday I taught a lesson on comparative adjectives, I noticed that my teaching strategies the students are not use to and students are not sure what to do.  When working in AMERY (HELLO MRS. HANSEN, CODY, SHANIA, MASON, GRACE, GRETA, MARTIN, HAILEY, MARIAH, RYLEE, TANNER, NATASHA, DYLAN, ESSIE, CAMERON, GABBI, ANTON, MADDISEN, BRETT, CASSEY, CELIA, AND TYLER! I Miss all of you!!!!!) anyways, when working in Amery, Mrs. Hansen had the students call on each other (which I loved as a strategy as well as having students say a new vocabulary word five times) well I used this strategy with the students, and they had never been asked to call on their classmates before, so there was definitely confusion.  The more I do it, the better it will go though!  Other than that the lesson went really well and I teach a lot next week, so I have a lot of lesson plans to write! Hope all is well back home, comment on this with updates from home so I am not out of the loop!

Sunday, October 24, 2010


So already I have done a very poor job on keeping up with my blog, so I will try and be better, but this past week has been CRAZY busy!  Monday and Tuesday I just slept all day because I was so tired and didn't start school yet.  Everyone has been so welcoming here and I am really enjoying it.  I lived in the house with my supervisor (Her family includes her mom who we call Grandma and her 17 year old son, we have all become very close already which is neat) for awhile since there were still two girls that arrived in early August.  One of the girls, Misty (who is from Ohio), is leaving tomorrow so I have moved into the cottage which is connected to the house (basically) so I feel really safe here.  I have known Misty for only a week, but it is really sad to see her go since she really  has helped me out a lot by answering all of my questions and welcoming me into Grahamstown.  Now that I have moved into the cottage, I am living with Lauren for two weeks (then she leaves), so it is nice to be settled into the cottage.  Lauren is from Georgia and has a sweet southern accent. She is really nice as well as adventurous so we went on a fun trip this past weekend.  Which I will talk about later.  April and Nichole (who are both from Michigan) arrived really late on Thursday night.  They are really fun and nice as well.  All of the girls are really friendly and outgoing, so that helps to feel comfortable.

ANYWAYS I started school on Wednesday and it is very different than back home.  I am placed in a 4th grade classroom again, which is actually a really good thing since it is the end of the school year over here and it was the beginning of the school year back home (so I get like a condensed version of a 4th grade year, also I get to compare US vs. SA at the 4th grade level).  I am just observing at the moment, but the school is very beautiful and the staff is very friendly.  The students are very respectful as well.  A lot of manners (I get called ma'am) and they stop at a doorway entrance for me to walk through first, it is quite different than back home and will take some getting use to.  I will update more about the school once I get more familiar.  It is a boarding school and a prep school, they wear uniforms and go to chapel twice a week.

THIS PAST WEEKEND: probably one of the greatest weekends of my life, well probably not, but close.  On Saturday Me, Lauren, April, and Nichole rented a car.  Lauren drove (for she has been here for three months and feels comfortable on the road, since they drive on the left side and the steering wheel is on the right side!) But we all took turns driving! Thats right I drove on the wrong side of the road! Well only for a little bit.  Anyways, Saturday we went to Addo National Park, where you drive through the park and see animals (kind of like a safari but not really).  On the way to the park we saw 7 giraffes, a lot of zebras, and a monkey crossed the road! It was so cool.  Once we were in the park, we drove around for like 3 hours not seeing a lot of animals (it is a huge park) but once we saw elephants we were so excited! At first we saw three elephants (HUGE!) and then when we stopped at the picnic area, we asked one of the other guys if they saw any lions (Lauren really wanted to see them since she hadn't yet) and he said he just came from where lions were sighted! He gave us directions and we hurried there.  We saw 5 lions! Three male and two female.  One of the males was around 10 feet from our car! Then when we were trying to leave the park we saw sooo many elephants! I was driving at this time, and had to stop because there were elephants in the road! Our car was like two feet from the elephant! It was AMAZING!

On Sunday, me, Lauren and Nichole went to Port Elizabeth (about an hour and a half drive) and we saw the ocean! It was so beautiful! We walked around the beach and went shopping at the market.  I got a beautiful picture that someone painted and I took a picture with the artist! The painting is off the township.  A township is the area in the town where all of the black people were forced to live, it is the most awful living conditions I have ever seen.  There is garbage sprawled everywhere and the doors hanging off the frames, and it is the size of our garage or smaller and families live in there.  One of Lauren's friends that she met while she was here gave us a tour.  It was so sad and really hard to see, but a very eye opening experience.  Blacks are no longer forced to live there (since 1994), but that is the lifestyle they know as well as they do not have the funds to buy anywhere else.  The government is building houses in the townships area to provide the homeless with shelter, however this is not totally helping because it is still keeping people in that area and adding to the problem.  It is very difficult to understand and I am going to keep becoming informed about the situation to become more knowledgeable.  It is really hard to see so many people begging for money.  I have learned that people do everything for you in this area to supply people with more jobs.  All gas stations are service stations (no self serve), people bag your groceries, watch your cars on the street and in parking lots and help direct you in parking lots to get tips and income.  It is a whole new world over here and I anticipate to learn a lot, I have already learned so much and it has been only a week.

To end on a more positive note, South Africa is THE MOST BEAUTIFUL place I have ever seen.

I will try to update my blog more frequently so it is not so much content at one time, sorry!

Hope all is well back home!

I love you all <3

Monday, October 18, 2010


I have arrived in Grahamstown! The trip was absolutely the longest trip of my life.  I have a cold and I could feel it getting worse and worse as the trip went on.  Not fun.  The plane ride from Atlanta to Johannesburg (Joburg is what everyone calls it here) was very long, but I watched about 5 movies to make the time pass.  Not sure how long I slept but I am sure not more than 4 hours.  When I arrived in Joburg, it was pretty overwhelming with all the people and having to go through customs and everything, but everything worked out!

I arrived last night at around Midnight (South Africa time) so it was about 5:00pm back home.  I arrived in Port Elizabeth last night at about 10pm and then drove to Grahamstown.  The first think I noticed was that the driver of the car is on the right, I have never seen that in real life before! It is so crazy and people driving on the left side of the road, I knew that was how it was but it was still different to see it in real life!  When I arrived in Grahamstown I was welcomed by my supervisor.  She has been so nice along with the rest of her family.  I am staying in her house for this next week until one of the other student teachers leaves for home.  This afternoon one of the other girls brought me to town.  On our way to town we saw cows.  Yeah I know I should be use to seeing cows since I go to school in Wisconsin, but I am not use to wild cows just chilling on the side of the road while I walk past them only 5 feet away!  I would have been a lot more scared of them (since I am not an animal person whatsoever) but the girl who was with me has been here for so long that she was use to it and the cows didn't even seem to notice me.  I also saw donkeys pulling a wagon, pretty cool.  The surroundings are absolutely beautiful, but  I don't have any pictures yet.  I will post pictures on here if I can figure it out.

Hope all is well back home!