Well I 'skyped' Jenna and Mother today, and Mother told me I need to do this more often, so I will try. The picture above is the view of Grahamstown, I wish cameras captured how beautiful the landscape is here, but I have yet to take a picture that even comes close.
Lauren received a box of Halloween stuff since she was teaching a lesson on Halloween, we used the stuff to decorate the flat! Happy Halloween :) You're welcome Lauren for not putting up the picture of you in your sweet clown costume! haha
These are some pictures of the school building, the classroom doors lead to outside. The building is two levels in the shape of a "T" The stem of the T is where the staff room, offices and work rooms are and the top of the T is where all of the classrooms are. It is a beautiful school, this is only the Junior Prep school, the Senior school (high school) is across the road.
This is what my classroom looks like! The classroom has no technology (no computer, no projector, no overhead) and the desks are wooden and from the looks of it, it probably looks like a low-income school compared to some of the schools back home, but this is a very nice school and well-off school, for it is a private boarding school.
My week went by extremely fast. On Thursday I taught a food tech class where I taught them how to make fruit pizza, the kids loved it, and no one had heard of it before! So that was neat. On Friday I taught a lesson on comparative adjectives, I noticed that my teaching strategies the students are not use to and students are not sure what to do. When working in AMERY (HELLO MRS. HANSEN, CODY, SHANIA, MASON, GRACE, GRETA, MARTIN, HAILEY, MARIAH, RYLEE, TANNER, NATASHA, DYLAN, ESSIE, CAMERON, GABBI, ANTON, MADDISEN, BRETT, CASSEY, CELIA, AND TYLER! I Miss all of you!!!!!) anyways, when working in Amery, Mrs. Hansen had the students call on each other (which I loved as a strategy as well as having students say a new vocabulary word five times) well I used this strategy with the students, and they had never been asked to call on their classmates before, so there was definitely confusion. The more I do it, the better it will go though! Other than that the lesson went really well and I teach a lot next week, so I have a lot of lesson plans to write! Hope all is well back home, comment on this with updates from home so I am not out of the loop!